Do you want to test drive SAP HANA Development? Probably the quickest, easiest and cheapest way is to source a license-waved installation from the Cloud. You can now create your own HANA DB server on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and download the HANA Studio and the HANA Client libraries from SCN, according to Juergen Schmerder of the SAP HANA Development Center. AWS does not seem to offer the possibility to test drive BW7.3 on HANA and connect reporting suites like SAP Business Objects BI 4.0.
SAP will not charge you with license cost, but AWS is not for free however. To get an idea about associated cost, use the AWS pricing calculator here. It’s pre-configured for 4 hours of daily usage on the smallest available size.
You will be responsible for operating your AWS account and you will have to pay for the hosting costs. In order to control your costs, stop the instance when you are not using it. Be aware that AWS also charges very little money for stopped instances – if you want to stop using your HANA instance on AWS, and you don’t want to pay any more monthly bills, make sure to terminate your instance. It will then be permanently deleted.
Have fun.
– Mendel